A Talk About Women, for Women

(Caveat: Yes, I know that all women will not be mothers in this life.  This doesn’t address that at all.  Don’t be offended)

Women Priesthood

There is so much buzz right now about women and the priesthood.  Our Stake Conference led out with a talk on Women and the Priesthood, apparently hoping to resolve some of those concerns.  But here is the thing: Women don’t need more talks about how they fit in with the power of the Priesthood.  We get tons of those, it is a clear relationship.  My opinion is that women want to hold the priesthood simply because they don’t understand the grand, weighty and essential part  that has been reserved exclusively for them in the Plan of Salvation. We need more sacrament meeting talks about the role of women (and not just on Mother’s Day) that leave the men twinging with jealousy for the great destiny and work of women, not pandering efforts at inclusion in the Priesthood, which we know is not our right.

I’ve recently discovered a parallel in the gospel that helps me understand how I, as a woman, contribute to this whole plan.

Our Partnerships

Women are partners in two relationships.  We are directly partners with the Savior in bringing about the salvation of mankind.  We are also partners with the priesthood in bringing about the exaltation of our families and friends.  We are fully half of each partnership.

First, salvation, and it starts with blood.  Christ’s blood is a powerful image.

Christ's Blood

It is used in religious art, in rituals and ordinances to remind us of that greatest sacrifice of Our God in our behalf. His pain was so great that He bled at every pore and was then flogged, crowned with thorns, nailed to a cross and died–quite possibly from extreme loss of blood.  And His death brought about eternal life.  For men, blood is a strong symbol of His sacrifice.  For women, blood is a regular visitor.  Blood accompanies the cycle of childbearing and the promise of new life.  We are so much about His work that He gave us a regular reminder of how our blood, like His, provides a way for life to come to this earth.  First through us and our offering almost unto death; and then through Him and His offering–His death.

Newest newborn

Because of the work of women, Heavenly Father’s spirit children who choose to come to earth will have a resurrected body.  We have to sacrifice ourselves to get spirits here, so that Christ’s sacrifice can be used.  He cannot fulfill His role as the Savior if we do not fulfill our roles as mothers.  And that is the whole partnership.  As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive.  Everyone who has been born on this earth will be resurrected.  That involves exactly two parties.  Maybe our children will turn out not like we expected.  Maybe horrible, violent criminals, maybe dictators of small starving nations.  But when they finally get called up for resurrection, they will have two people to thank for their immortal body: The mother that gave them their mortal body, and Christ who gave them their eternal one.

The next part of this parallel involves what Christ did with his time on earth.  Christ spent his life quietly going about, doing good.  He spent his time “teaching, preaching and healing”.  He didn’t seek honor or recognition for His work–in fact often he requested the person healed or taught to not say that he had done it. He was in the background, washing feet, slipping in through back entrances to raise the dead.  Of course He wasn’t a shadow, doing things “in a corner”, He was confident and sure of His purpose–and that self-confidence allowed Him to do what He needed to do altruistically without waiting for praise or reciprocation.

Teaching and healing

Women’s lives follow this example.  We are usually fine to stay up all night with the baby, make the home pleasant to live in, clean piles and miles of laundry, shop for groceries, cook those groceries, and then clean up after the cooking.  All rather behind the scenes and quietly.  Yes, it is draining and all-consuming and even mind-numbing sometimes, but with confidence in the outcomes and purpose of what we are building, we carry on with a full heart.

Family Life

I see and feel around me the influence of the wrong older brother.  The one who would go about doing good only if there was plenty of money in it, or a sense of self-fulfillment and self-satisfaction.  The one who would get really bored with all of those gross sick people and want to spend time in the nicest homes and with the nicest looking people.  The one who encourages us only do good if we can then post it on Facebook and wait for the validations to come streaming into our inbox.  The one who said “Give me thy glory and thy honor”.

We must not let the world cure women of becoming too Christ-like.

Another parallel is that Christ is presided over by His Father, yet they are one.  Christ seeks to glorify His Father, and the Father gives glory to His Son.

An Introduction

When Heavenly Father announces “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” Christ does not cut him off and insist that he is fully capable of introducing himself. We know that Christ is magnificent and glorious, and He can be the Alpha and Omega and still be presided over by His righteous Father.  And so can we.  It doesn’t diminish our position any more than it diminishes His.  We are declaring our participation in a fully-functional presidency when we become sealed to our husbands.

The marriage relationship is the basis of the next partnership.  We are partners in the work of Exaltation as well.  In the temple, women covenant to follow “the Law of the Lord” (who is Christ) while the men covenant to follow “the Law of Elohim” (who is the Father).  We don’t need two Elohims in the presidency; the Godhead would fall apart without the Savior.  And in our homes there should be a President and a Counselor and the influence of the Spirit all working as one.  As ONE.  And while Christ and women get people resurrected, the Priesthood and women get people back to God.  The Priesthood ordinances and covenants are the way to the Celestial Kingdom.  They are vital.  And so are living up to those covenants every day–which is where women play a key role.

We are so important that if we don’t do our job then God has to flood the earth and start over.  God told Enoch that all He asked of the people in the days of Noah was to 1) keep his commandment to love one another and 2) choose Him to be their Father; “But behold, they are without affection, and they hate their own blood” (Moses 7:33).

They wished they had listened, when they saw the rain

Who teaches people to love one another and to serve the Lord?  Mostly women.  From the time that a child is young, moms, primary teachers, neighbors and aunts are constantly teaching, modeling, correcting and encouraging.  Children learn to be kind and they learn to love the Lord.  Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17)–it isn’t something that happens automatically, and moms almost exclusively have the ears of their children in the most formative years of life. When women stop the job of mothering (even if they have still borne the children), society unravels at an alarming rate.  It only takes two or three generations, max (because the grandmothers can still instill the values into the second generation, when the mothers will not).  After that, there are no examples left to follow and society is left to fend for itself “without affection and hating their own blood”.

Women need to embrace the essential role of both bearing children and raising them.  It’s a lifetime job but if we don’t do it, no one else will.  No one else can!  If you don’t take time to look at your child each day and be completely over the moon for them and the special shape of their nose, the way they pronounce their “L” sounds and their bright eyes, no one else in their whole lives will do it.  That is the power of a Mother.  They give every human on the earth the sense of being profoundly loved and needed.  And that sense of worthiness and belonging makes it easier to understand why Christ would suffer and die for us.  It makes it easier for us to accept His offering on our behalf, because we already feel that we are special.  Our moms thought we were, so Christ must think so too.

Women, we don’t need to hold the Priesthood.  We need to own and give dignity to our essential part of the plan.  We need to remember that only we can bring spirits onto this earth– indeed, as Valerie Hudson Cassler pointed out in the Two Trees talk (read it, if you haven’t already), even Eve had to give the gift of mortality to Adam.  Women bring each soul on to earth, one by one.  And then they raise them to follow God and keep His commandments.  And they do such a good job at it that their children want to do the same thing and bring more spirits to earth.

Perhaps one way to begin incorporating this into our services and our collective consciousness in Church is to formally invite the mother to come and share her thoughts after her baby is blessed.  Only and especially the mother.

How did it go?

A birth is one of the most singularly beautiful, spiritual and important events in a woman’s life.  This is our ordinance.  And the father gets to be the one showing the baby to the congregation after the blessing.  Mothers need to be recognized, legitimized, and heard in these plan-fulfilling moments.  Sure, some women are nervous and don’t like speaking in public.  So are some missionaries, but we still expect them to do it because it is an important priesthood event.  Mothers could also be invited to share their insights after a child is baptized, or goes on a mission.  These are the culminating moments of a life’s work!  The more we can let women talk about being women and mothers, the higher the regard all around for the work they do.  The higher the regard for women being women, the less they will seek after holding the Priesthood.

There have been long stretches of time when the Priesthood has been removed from the earth, but never once has God suspended the duty of women to be mothers.  We provide the plan’s momentum.

Without us, everything stops.


  1. One day when you finally realize that continually trying to convince yourself of something that on a deep inner level JUST FEELS WRONG, I hope you will remember this message: there is life beyond the LDS church. I wish you the strength to trust your own inner voice and to meet the rest of the world with an open heart. Have the courage to tell yourself the truth.

    • We should keep an open heart to everyone’s opinions. Yes, there is life beyond the LDS church. Many members are converts. They know this. I don’t know why you feel this way, and I don’t judge you at all, but I urge you to look at other’s beliefs with an open heart the same way you are wishing her to.

  2. Again, you offer such a fresh perspective that even I, as a lifelong church member, have never heard before.

    I’ve always believed that the power of womanhood and the power of the priesthood were equal to each other. So no priesthood for me, thanks! Being a woman and mommy bring blessings enough.

  3. Hi Jan, I love baby blessings especially when they are your own kids. I would to come and say something about the birth of my child. Sometimes baby blessings are on testimony meeting but for both of my kids is usually whenever grandma and grandpa come to TX. I love being a mom and sure don’t miss having or wanting to hold the priesthood.

  4. Even as a loving mother, I know that THE priesthood does not equal motherhood. Fatherhood = motherhood. Husband = Wife (different people but equal in value). “The Priesthood”, or, the power of God manifest on earth is about service and blessings. It is speaking of serving – in the church, with the power of God. I think the problem boils down to how we conflate the WORD priesthood with the WORD men. It is not women wanting to be men, or even much like men, but rather, to have the blessing of serving wherever and however they are needed. I think it makes sense to want the priesthood – even though I myself don’t “feel” anything about the topic, I can empathize and I don’t think women who are active and faithful in the church are harming anything (other than “Tradition!”) by asking about it. Implementation seems to be the only stumbling block in my mind. Ask on, ladies! We love people who want to serve!

    • Women do not need th priesthood to serve. I don’t understand this thinking. In the combining of a man and a woman to make a complete whole – to be one like we are commanded – a healthy interdependence is needed. Men need us and we need them. It is wrong-headed to think otherwise and to feel limited in our ability to serve because we cannot be bishops or pass the sacrament.

      It is a beautiful thing to be a woman; we need nothing added to prove that we are equal to men.

      I resent the idea put forth by some of my sisters that my service in the kingdom is somehow diminished and that I should be longing for Priesthood service opportunities. My plate is full and I am content.

      • You line of thinking is still Priesthood = Men. There is no reason Men need the Priesthood to serve that doesn’t apply to Women. Whether or not you want the Priesthood is irrelevant.Since no one is forced to accept it you desire to not be Ordained is secure.

        However, that’s not the point here. The Church has done the Power of God a great disservice by making it mean men. It creates all sorts of problem for both men and women.

        Also, why would you assume that others desiring Ordination means your service is diminished?

  5. I saw a friend post your article about “Who are the Gay Mormons” on fb. I thought it was well thought out and written! THANK YOU! The title of this article caught my eye. THANK YOU again! I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on this subject. I look forward to reading more on your blog.

  6. This was a wonderful article to read… and it is good to know there are still women out there who understand their roles in God’s plan. I would just add to what was said about bringing children into the world (knowing that this article is directed at women) – 1. in a world where feminism has taken over and man’s role has been diminished… I would like to add that there is no child without the love and imput of the physical father. Father and Mother are one… and participating in God’s grandest creations is done by both. 2. Christ’s atonement obviously gives efficacy/power to the covenants which enable us to attain to exaltation – without His atonement – the covenants/ordinances which priesthood holders officiate in – mean nothing to us in the world to come. That is all. Wonderful article.

  7. I love this article. I have been trying to get the word out regarding the beautiful role of women and recently taught a RS lesson on this topic. However, I want to note that President Packer has said that in the home “there is not a president and a vice-president – there are 2 co-presidents.” However, I love that my husband holds the priesthood and I believe that our family would not work if we both held the priesthood office. My opinion is that the men are the ones that are oppressed! I am my own boss, I can stay in my pajamas all day, watch TV, play games on the iPad, build train track, and manage my own schedule with no boss. I have read lots by Valerie Hudson Cassler and I absolutely adore her. Keep up the good work Jan!

  8. Thanks for the great article. I especially appreciated the parallels about women being in partnership with the Savior. However, I have a couple of points I’d like to share:

    1. Not all women have wonderful feelings towards their babies at and shortly after birth. I’m probably one of the few women in the LDS world who did not grow up dreaming about the day she would become a mother. When my son was born, I was more thankful to no longer be pregnant than to finally have him here. I struggled with post-partum depression, compounded by the fact that everyone seemed to think I should have all of these wonderful feelings about motherhood, which I didn’t. Thankfully, that has passed, and I’m happy to be a mom now. That being said, I think it would be unwise to get a brand new mom up to tell about her feelings! The point of sacrament meeting is to partake of the sacrament, and to lead people to Christ; if I had been asked to speak after the birth of my son – when he was blessed – I don’t think I would have had very positive things to say. Surely there are other women who have felt or currently felt the same way did.

    2. Your discussion on womanhood in the gospel focused entirely on motherhood. Though I believe your remarks to be doctrinally sound, it’s important not to forget those who are single or cannot have children.
    I didn’t get married until my early thirties, so I spent most of my adult life navigating LDS, family-oriented waters as a single woman (I’m only 36). One of my concerns at that time was feeling like the only way I could hope to be valued by Heavenly Father, the Savior, and those around me was if I got married and became a mom. I was afraid, too, of losing my identity if I ever did become a wife and mom. Even now, it bothers me when it seems someone thinks the only value I have as a woman is through being a wife and mother. Those are definitely important roles, but there is so much more to me than being a wife and mom!
    Women need to feel valued regardless of their marital and/or motherhood status. Women also need to know they have value beyond their roles as wives and mothers. The only requirements for men to hold the priesthood and be in partnership with the Savior are related to age and worthiness. On the basis of your article, however, women are only able to be in partnership with the Savior according to their marital and motherhood status. Therefore, in a discussion on the role of women, it is absolutely essential to find a way to apply it to ALL women, not just the wives and mothers.

  9. As a feminist (no, not a neo-feminist), I believe that women don’t have the priesthood not because we have different roles, but honestly if we had the priesthood the men would stand back and let us take care of it all. We are just that powerful. There is no such thing as a gender role, and every time we get into those in Relief Society I quietly excuse myself for fear of speaking my mind.

    • Men are equally as powerful as women. I believe we can honor our feminine power without putting down the masculine. The men I know would be ashamed if they did not rise to their responsibilities, priesthood or not. Men are as fantastic as women.

    • “There’s no such thing as a gender role”

      You’re joking… right?!

      There’s SO many talks on gender roles I find it mind boggling that you said that out loud.

      • Megan, I agree. It is a hard thing for me to fathom that gender doesn’t matter, that there are no gender specific roles. All I have to do is look in the mirror at the body I have. I just don’t think I could pull off the same things as a man….. 🙂

        • Exactly. If there is no such thing as a gender role, and if different genders weren’t *supposed* to have different roles, we all would have been created as one sex. Of course there will be innate as well as spiritual/emotional/physical roles specific to one’s gender.

  10. Thank you for this. I would like to offer some thoughts. I see the Authority of the Priesthood as what is given to do ordinances and preside, as separate from the Power of the Priesthood, which as Elder Ballard recently discussed this fall in a devotional, is given in the temple sealing covenant as God’s power given jointly. It’s not a power of ruling over another person, but of blessing other people as well as being blessed individually. I would like to seek better God’s healing and perfecting Priesthood power in my life and all those I can reach, without desiring the authority of the Priesthood offices and duties, meetings, responsibilities, opportunites to be needed in different ways. From what I understand of the true nature of God and this joint power is about, it is more than self-fulfillment or serving in a particular way.

    I have been asked by my Father in heaven to serve in the earthly church, and that is one way to help the family of mankind. I think the temple really helps me gain perspective on which came first and which is more lasting- organized religion or the family. The family is eternally more lasting than the church organization, so as a woman, I do feel like I am at the head of the heart of the church. Presiding in that way is like being a pilot with a copilot, both essential and working in coordination, but each responsible for their sphere, as taught by Elder Perry. I like the example given recently in General Conference of Sister Elaine Jack, the churchwide Young Women president who counseled with her brothers in the gospel about missionary work, which is what the Church does with the general young women and RS presidencies, and would like us to do on more local levels.

    In the past, I have not fully listened to or trusted my teachers when they’ve taught me me I have a divine nature and the ability to receive revelation. In my case, this has been partly based on false assumptions based on the visibility, name recognition, and titles given to the humble men serving (without pay!) in the church and in the scriptures. Although I learn from them, my goal is not to become like the Bishop, stake president or president of the church, it is to become like Jesus Christ through His grace, whose goal is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of all. Through His grace, I humbly try the best I can to do that. Where I might have thought to seek identity and self fulfillment in a more temporal way, I think I need to now ask “what is really wanted?” from my life on earth, and confidently learn all I can from our Heavenly parents.

    Women do need to recognize their spiritual equality before God, but not by becoming more like men, by becoming more like the woman they are. Our roles are not the same, or even able to be equated, just equal in how they are needed to move the work forward. There is an eternal component to manhood, extending beyond fatherhood and priesthood offices, and more to womanhood than physical acts of motherhood and mothering others, although those play a huge role in teaching humility and how to become like God.

    Woman’s role is more open to intuition, flexibility of life choices, and less clearly defined by specific callings than is a man’s role in the church and earthly life. Asking why a man needs that opportunity for service in a clearly defined way is like my son asking me “why does she have to paint the inside of the house and I have to paint the outside?” It teaches me humility and selflessness to work with another person, recognizing I can’t do the job alone.

    “It is not given to woman to exercise the authority of the Priesthood independently; nevertheless, in the sacred endowments associated with the ordinances pertaining to the House of the Lord, woman shares with man the blessings of the Priesthood. When the frailties and imperfections of mortality are left behind, in the glorified state of the blessed hereafter, husband and wife will administer in their respective stations, seeing and understanding alike, and co-operating to the full in the government of their family kingdom.” (James E. Talmage)

  11. The priesthood allows men a measure of equality w/ women.

    The highest honor a man gains in this life is when he baptizes his children, bringing them into life as spiritual children of Christ in parallel to how their mother brought them forth from the water of the womb.

    Not all women get to personally become mothers, just as not all men in the priesthood get to become apostles or even bishops — disappointing to not have that honor, but that’s an idea of how big a deal is motherhood.

    Every person who lives, even if for only a breath, can thank 2 people for personally suffering body-broken-and-blood-shed for them — Jesus Christ and the woman who was mother to them.

    Yes, mothers should be better recognized in priesthood meetings and given voice before the congregation, but who’s got the prime opportunity to make such obviously preferable via their own hour of the Sunday schedule?

    Thank you for the outstanding statement and perspective that will build greater understanding.

    Outstanding statement and perspective that I hope will build better

  12. Jan, you are amazing. Thank you for this. I don’t believe women need the priesthood, and I don’t believe we will have it… and that’s okay. I only wish I could articulate it as beautifully as you have. I feel uplifted, and see our roles as mothers and as women in a different light after reading this. Thank you!

  13. Both men and women are enriched and blessed when they do all they can to build the kingdom of God with what they have been given. Both have access to Priesthood power through the covenants they have made, and should use that power within their realm of influence. I don’t think women *need* Priesthood office to have a great influence, but I also think it is dangerous to reject the idea of women receiving that assignment. The origins of Priesthood eligibility are unclear and subject to change.

  14. If I may post here a month later than the comment, thank you Hanesco for a well written and interesting article. I really enjoyed it.
    Thank you for not painting women as being bad and the cause of all the world’s problems, as so many other sites about women’s sites do. Thank you for giving a fresh and respectful angle about women’s roles.
    Thank you for not scolding and blaming women.

    • oh Jean, no worries. I live in South Texas. People pronounce the J as an H all the time 😉 Thank you for coming by, I’m so glad to find like-minded friends.

  15. Jancisco, thanks for writing out your thoughts on women and the priesthood. Although I completely disagree with your parallels of motherhood being equal to the priesthood, I appreciate the dialogue because I think the more we talk about it, the more we all think about this issue, and the more likely we will continue to have positive institutional change in the church regarding gender.

    My main disagreements with your assertions are that mothers and Christ are the two people needed to give humanity bodies (eternal and earthly). Obviously without God we would not be resurrected so it is my belief that in heaven I will be thankful for both God (which includes Heavnely Father and Mother) and Jesus for my resurrected body. Likewise, I am grateful for both my mother and my father for my earthly body. It took both of them to conceive me and I inherited both of their genes. Both of them helped to nurture, love and raise me and I would feel very ungrateful to give all the credit to my mother. On the flip side I can only be grateful to my father for baptizing, blessing me, being a witness at my sealing, etc because only he has been given the right to do ordinance through the priesthood. I think it would be amazing if I could give gratitude for my spiritual milestones and ordinances to both my father and mother, more similar to the early days of the restoration. I would love to thank my mother for anointing me during the birth of my children or for the joint before school blessings. Does that really sound so wrong to you? Does it really seem out of the realm of possibility?

    I do not think it would overstepping bounds for women to hold some type of priesthood to bless the lives of others (in fact I think it would greatly enhance their role as wife and mother giving blessings with the Power of God to their husbands and children). I love our legacy from our early relief society sisters who blessed each other through the laying on of hands and anointed women before childbirth. Is it your opinion that they should not have been doing that? Are you opposed to similar acts of healing and blessing being reinstated by women again now? Are you aware of prophetesses mentioned in the bible? Do you think we could ever have prophetesses again?

    • Emily, Hope, Melissa and LA, thanks for coming by. I absolutely don’t deny that men are involved in the creation of life, but it’s not exactly hard for them, “Doing the thing I think about 24 hours a day” as Jim Gaffigan said. Childbirth, nursing, these physical things require the mother and it is painful, hard and trying and ultimately, beautiful. Let’s not diminish the unique importance of women’s role’s as mothers by trying to cram men into the delivery room. My parallel to Christ in that part of the post references this, though I know that men are involved too–it is in a different role.

      Maybe women will be offered the official Priesthood independently in the future. But I don’t feel unempowered now. I feel like the spiritual gifts of healing, knowledge, discernment, administration and all of the other things that God has offered to ALL of us are plenty to bless our children and our own lives. We already have that. And, LA, I don’t know how you can judge my understanding of exaltation from that post. I fully understand that we will have all of the power of God in our eternal sphere. I believe that we are interconnected with our husband’s priesthood even now. We are sealed together and if I needed to access it in his absence, I fully believe it would be honored.

      And I love the idea, Emily, of being grateful for our mother and father for getting us to the milestones in life like baptism and temple marriage. I absolutely thanked my mother for raising me to follow the commandments, keeping me current in my YW goals, to both of them for waking me up and reading with me each morning before school, for taking me to seminary before school, for getting me on my mission. Just because our mothers don’t perform the ordinance doesn’t mean they weren’t integral to the ordinance being accomplished–to making our lives holy. And how wonderful that our fathers can perform that special thing that only they are authorized to do. It makes them indispensable to us.

      I do know about prophetesses in the Bible and I know that women are authorized to use the Priesthood in our temples today. Again, we are not unempowered. I wonder if people from the reign of the Judges would look forward to our time and call Sister Beck or Sister Burton our “prophetess”?

      And not to be “glaringly” condescending, LA, but you don’t know that Sister Hudson’s interpretation isn’t true. You just know that she isn’t the prophet. Why couldn’t God inspire her insights just as well as your own?

      • Thanks for your response. I am glad you are open to the possibility of women holding the Priesthood. Like you, I don’t think it is essential to perform the ordinances and to govern in order to feel empowered. But it does bother me when I hear people so confidently assert that women will never hold the keys. It’s a tad arrogant, given we know so little about the eternal nature of gender. Personally, my feminism could be summed up by saying that I feel fathers should be more involved in the home. I really do think that fathers can be nurturers, and it bugs me when people think that by encouraging men to have equal involvement in nurturing tasks and women to have equal involvement in governance diminishes their unique contributions as individuals. I really feel we pit men and women against each other. It doesn’t make sense to me because both genders have been given the same role model to follow (Christ).

  16. I have trouble with your post for TWO huge glaring reasons.
    First and foremost is the total absent acknowledgement that women do not create children of their own accord. In order for women to create body and blood (the kinship you said is to Christ) they need a man. So this “role” of creation is a shared role in creation, if we are to argue that roles extend beyond biology. Which of course they do, women are more than their uterine and vaginal capabilities, especially so if you contrast that biological role with the male priesthood. Together male and female create a body for the spirit children of God, it isn’t merely a gift given to them by women.

    Secondly is the apparent lack of understanding of what exaltation is. If women did not have the power and authority of God (aka the Priesthood) upon exaltation they would cease to Gods. Exaltation is the embodiement and reception of all the Father has, that includes Priesthood. Marriage is symbolic of that.
    I don’t pretend to know why women don’t have that in mortality, but it is not because they have the ability to birth a baby.

    Also, of note, a third point. While the allegory of the Two Trees is beautiful, it isn’t quite doctrine. While the Two Trees may be symbolic of something, it isn’t what SIster Husdon says it is.

  17. Sorry, infertile woman here. You say “don’t be offended” because you don’t include and argument for childless women, yet childbirth and mothering is where you pretty well base your entire argument. I am not offended; indeed, I find your conclusions laughable because of this massive omission: it simply makes no sense, plus- it ignores the fact that women participate in priesthood ordinations in the temple. Childbearing is mortal and biological, Priesthood is immortal and spiritual. Your argument is simply nonsense.

    • The priesthood is eternal and pertains to both temporal needs as well as spiritual needs. Like that of a fathers blessing or baptism and a healing blessing. Men need the priesthood to make them equal to women in the eternal and temporal world of creation. Women give birth, likewise men exercise the priesthood to give spiritual birth. Forming a partnership between husband and wife both raising one family under Gods gospel in under the protection of his priesthood. United just as he planned. Until he reveals more as article of faith number “9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.” We women should be satisfied with carrying out the priesthood as it stand now upon the earth. To cover the priesthood is wrong.

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